Massage Therapy at New Life Recovery Center in Fresno, CA

Massage Therapy for Addiction Treatment And Recovery

Exploring Massage Therapy: A Healing Touch in Recovery

Massage therapy complements traditional treatment by relieving physical tension and reducing stress, enhancing the recovery experience.

Massage therapy in addiction treatment involves the hands-on application of various techniques by trained therapists to support our clients in their recovery. This complementary approach aims to enhance overall well-being alongside traditional addiction treatment methods. During sessions at New Life Recovery, therapists manipulate soft tissues like muscles and connective tissues to alleviate tension, reduce stress, and induce relaxation. 

The integration of massage therapy into addiction treatment addresses physical discomfort, improves mood, and provides holistic support for recovery. It’s particularly beneficial in tackling stress and anxiety, common challenges in the recovery process. By addressing both the physical and emotional aspects of recovery, massage therapy contributes to a more comprehensive and effective treatment plan.

Have questions about how our program works? Talk with an expert.