Cold Plunge Therapy

Cold Plunge Therapy for Addiction Treatment And Recovery

Cold Plunge & The Brain

Cold plunge therapy has been proven to boost mood and is linked to various benefits such as stress and anxiety relief, immune support, muscle recovery, pain relief, and improved sleep. A recent study examined brain connectivity and participants’ self-reported emotional states before and after cold-water immersion. The findings revealed that individuals reported feeling more active, alert, attentive, proud, and inspired while experiencing less distress and nervousness after a cold-water bath. These positive emotional changes were associated with the coordination between different brain areas responsible for attention control, emotion, and self-regulation. Because the results suggest that engaging in short-term cold plunge therapy may have holistic effects on brain functioning, and drug and alcohol addiction is a disease affecting the brain, we believe that it is an effective tool in addiction recovery. 

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Benefits of Cold Plunge Therapy

The evidence-backed and experiential therapies at New Life Recovery are designed to meet the specific needs of each client to enhance their overall well-being. Cold plunge therapy, for instance, provides benefits such as:



Innovative Therapies & Luxury Amenities

A huge piece of New Life’s mission is to help our residents learn how to stimulate their brains in natural ways. We as addicts and alcoholics have programmed our brains to rely on synthetic rewards (drugs/alcohol) to stimulate our brain’s reward pathways – and thereby feel pleasure. The longer we use these synthetic rewards, the harder it is for our brains to utilize the natural ones.

New Life Recovery aims to give each resident the opportunity to learn about how our brain’s reward system works and supply the tools necessary to rewire these reward pathways. Our facility has specialized on-site amenities that not only help in the rewiring process, but give each client tools for a lasting recovery.

Fitness Therapy
Cold Plunge
Sauna Therapy
Massage Therapy
Yoga Therapy

Have questions about how our program works? Talk with an expert.